Before You Make the Call Weighing Alternatives to Gastric Bypass Surgery
Released on = June 21, 2006, 11:32 am
Press Release Author = Robyn McGee
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = In her book, Hungry for More: A Keeping-it-Real Guide for Black Women on Weight and Body Image, author Robyn McGee offers seven alternatives to gastric bypass surgery.
Press Release Body = Before You Make the Call. Weighing Alternatives to Gastric Bypass Surgery
Doctors, nutritionists, mental health professionals, and others who treat obesity caution their patients against acts of desperation. Some experts believe reliance on gastric bypass surgery for weight loss is a dangerous trend and recommend non-surgical steps that emphasize behavior modification and changing one's self-image for solid achieving a long-term healthy weight. In her book, Hungry for More: A Keeping-it-Real Guide for Black Women on Weight and Body Image, author Robyn McGee offers seven alternatives to gastric bypass surgery. Option 1: Discover whether you have an eating disorder. Experts estimate that around 5 percent of overweight or obese people suffer from a lesser-known eating malady called "binges eating disorder" (BED), also known as "compulsive overeating." For more information, check out Option 2: Overeaters Anonymous (OA) borrows the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for recovery from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Option 3: See a shrink. Psychotherapy and other forms of mental health counseling assist with overwhelming emotional issues like depression that may lead to overeating eating and other eating disorders.
Option 4: A nutritionist can teach you how to eat in a healthier way, By suggesting ways to combine foods, eat healthy snacks, and build awareness of the components of food that work best with your body and lifestyle, nutrition education is available at most health maintenance organizations, like Kaiser and Blue Cross. Option 5: Weight Watchers a tried and true way to lose and maintain weight, Does not demand dieters give up favorite foods like pizza or fried chicken. Its program is based on a point system (all foods are given numerical values) and encourages eating in moderation and exercising. Option 6: Medical fasting under a doctor's supervision
Patients who under go medical fasting are forbidden from eating any food for at least thirty days, subsisting on a protein drink that includes vitamins and minerals. After a period of time, ranging from two to fourteen weeks, the patient is gradually guided back to solid foods, all the while being counseled on how to eat a more healthy diet and exercise regularly.
Option 7: Practice fat acceptance. The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) believes fat people should accept and cherish themselves just the way they are and enjoy life to the fullest, supported by loving friends and family.
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Contact Details = Ralph Hope (310) 722-5058
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